Mystery Science Theater 3000 fans, take heart. The cast-crew of the original series have reunited in what could be a fun new project titled CINEMATIC TITANIC. Joel, Trace, Frank, Josh and Mary Jo will silhouette themselves once more in a direct-to-DVD release of the Al Adamson classic Brain of Blood. The group performed for the employees of Industrial Light and Magic out in San Fran last month and word is: it was funny. And that comes from someone who isn’t even an MST3K fan…I’ll let him comment on the subject if he so wishes (ILM can be so fussy about leaked info, y’know). Oh, btw, the current rights holders of Brain of Blood were apparently concerned that a new version of their beloved movie would confuse consumers, so the movie is being released as The Oozing Brain. Can’t wait. You can read more about Cinematic Titanic and view a trailer by visiting their official website.
I’m on probation, so I can’t comment about the event. But others I work with haven’t been busted yet and don’t mind running their yappers…
All I can say is…NERDS!