I know I’m about a year behind, but I just recently discovered my new favorite band, the Brazilian combo Cansei de Ser Sexy. Just one listen to their single, “Let’s Make Love and Listen to Death from Above” and you’re hooked. That song is great but their debut album rocks! I particularly like “Alala” and “Off the Hook.” A big part of the band’s appeal is their charming use of the English language and the uninhibited, wildchild mannerisms of lead singer Lovefoxxx.
A game developer from Brazil shared CSS with me about 2 months ago. Sounds like they are on the verge of going mainstream.
I like Alala a lot too. The album made my Best of 2006 list, and they are actually a lot of fun live, you should go see them. Lovefoxxx is the only band person to ever comment on my blog… even if it was just “redrum” and a smileyface.