This weekend marks the 70th anniversary of the Hindenburg disaster in Lakehurst, New Jersey. Reminds me of back when I was a kid. I was really into the Hindenburg for some reason, even if I didn’t totally understand what it was all about. There was a shop in my hometown that sold little plastic models of the Hindenburg, about the size of pack of Mentos. It came complete with decals of little swastikas on the rear blades. My mom disapproved and scraped them off when I got it home. I was upset about this cause it was, like, instantly ruining my new toy. After playing with it for a week or so, I broke it. I got the chance to go back and get another one. My mom removed the swastikas again. Broke that one. Finally got a third. This time my mom failed to notice…the swastikas stayed on. I didn’t know about Nazis and stuff. I just thought they looked cool.