Time to update, no doubt. Where do I begin…Holly and I moved out of Little Forest Hills at the end of last month and into a 3-1/5 nearer to Casa View (I never thought I would write those words). I actually like Extreme East Dallas. I’ve been exploring some of the nabes over here as well as Garland and Mesquite. I like it. Also discovered a new Sunday afternoon tradition — the Hollywood Cinemark dollar cinema over on Shiloh Rd. It’s $.50 on Tuesday. I’ve seen Star Trek, UP and Orphan so far. It’s a great way to relax even if it’s a little decayed and smellly. How you gonna beat dollar movies?? You can’t rent them cheaper than that.
We’re remodeling the house (photos to come) and we’ve encountered some setbacks. A busted pipe flooded the attic and took out part of the kitchen ceiling yesterday. We’ve had multiple power outages — including one last night (wow, busy 24 hr period) and we still don’t have a stove or a sink. The den is awaiting its transformation into a relaxing space (and home to my vinyl album collection) but right now it’s a storage facility.