I’ve been having a hell of a time with this website. The hosting site,
1 & 1, moved their servers to Kansas City and I was unable to post for the past week…I finally figured out what was going on and patched the problems up…
So I’m cleaning house here and discovered some interesting audio bits that I really want to share with my friends…
Found this recording I made with Minnie Driver. Yeah, that Minnie Driver. She’s got a great set of pipes. No really. And this song is a corker in my moleskin.
Woah, that last sentence sounds obscene.
Check it out…Minnie Driver, “Everything I Got in My Pocket”
Minnie Driver – Everything I Got in My Pocket (Live in NYC).mp3
Wow, our crappy equipment actually sounds good. I assume you did some sweetening on it?
A little compression and reverb but there wasn’t much to work with…She basically hit it with her vocals, which I think are pretty awesome. Wish the guitar was mixed down and eq’d out a bit…it was all recorded to one stereo track!