What a week! I never thought I’d look forward to my office job as a place to get away from it all. Compared to home, it’s a tropical vacation!! Last Thursday, the day before my birthday, who shows up on our doorstep except for a cute, little stray puppy? Now it won’t go away. So, having big hearts, we decided to take it in. For some reason it’s really stressing me out. And if I’ve learned anything from this, it’s that NO ONE WANTS A PUPPY. I’ve tried and tried to pawn this thing off to various animal lovers but NO ONE WANTS A PUPPY. What am I going to do?? On top of that and the fact that the almost daily rain has turned our yard into a swamp, at least two litters of newborn kittens are living under the house. You hear them constantly mewing. I’m pretty sure I’m going to smell them dying soon. Now I’m exhausted, have a stye that has swollen my right eye and I’m dreading going home to deal with my growing menagerie. What did I do to deserve this??
I think Borat is looking for a dog.
Sounds like someone turned on the shit-faucet and left town for the weekend!